20th October
A panel discussion is held on Tuesday, 20th October, 6pm at the Kunstakademie (Art Academy) Duesseldorf.
The venture will take place in the Cafe Sparta an is going to be moderated by Prof. Robert Fleck.
As a guest from the Alfred Cooperative we are happy to welcome Adi Levy.
Together with the artists from betonbox and the artists Amit Goffer,
They will talk about concepts and practices as non-profit initiatives in Duesseldorf and Tel Aviv.
Bei dem Podiumsgespraech im Cafe Sparta am 20. Oktober um 18 Uhr
werden unter Moderation von Prof. Robert Fleck Vertreter beider Kooperativen
die Situation und Foerderung junger Kunst in Tel Aviv und Duesseldorf und ihre
Konzepte und Praktiken als Non-Profit-Initiativen in beiden Laendern in den Blicke nehmen.
Adi Levy, Bernhard Kucken, Amit Goffer, Florian Zeeh
- www.beton-box.de
- Non-Profit Cultural Initiatives - Panel Discussion on concepts & practices
- alfred-cooperative-institute-for-art-and-culture
- www.de50il.org
A panel discussion is held on Tuesday, 20th October, 6pm at the Kunstakademie (Art Academy) Duesseldorf.
The venture will take place in the Cafe Sparta an is going to be moderated by Prof. Robert Fleck.
As a guest from the Alfred Cooperative we are happy to welcome Adi Levy.
Together with the artists from betonbox and the artists Amit Goffer,
They will talk about concepts and practices as non-profit initiatives in Duesseldorf and Tel Aviv.
Bei dem Podiumsgespraech im Cafe Sparta am 20. Oktober um 18 Uhr
werden unter Moderation von Prof. Robert Fleck Vertreter beider Kooperativen
die Situation und Foerderung junger Kunst in Tel Aviv und Duesseldorf und ihre
Konzepte und Praktiken als Non-Profit-Initiativen in beiden Laendern in den Blicke nehmen.
Adi Levy, Bernhard Kucken, Amit Goffer, Florian Zeeh
- www.beton-box.de
- Non-Profit Cultural Initiatives - Panel Discussion on concepts & practices
- alfred-cooperative-institute-for-art-and-culture
- www.de50il.org